Best Practices: Groups

Tips on how to use Qooper's groups to drive skills, careers and inclusion.

-Mentor/Mentee Network Groups

By having a mentor only group and a mentee only group, it allows them to build connections with participants of the same role. 

Example discussion posts:  Sharing best practices, asking for help regarding a situation with your mentor or mentee. 

These will be in your program template. 

Skill-based Groups

Create skill-based groups based on the interests/skills of the users in the program. This increases the engagement within the groups and connects participants who are interested in the same subject or aiming for the same goal. 

Admin can refer to the Skills Gap graph in the admin dashboard to find the top skill areas.

Example discussion posts:  Sharing any important articles related to the skill with the group. 

ERGs - Employee Resource Groups

Qooper encourages the user of ERGs through our Group Matching. Qooper is able to group participants together based on their demographics. This will provide a safe space for inclusivity discussions. 

Example discussion posts:  How to navigate a mentorship relationship with a person of a different demographic.  

Career Path Groups

Each group representing a different career path encourages discussion amounts participants. 

Example discussion posts:  How can an entry-level financial associate work their way up to management? How can a nurse grow to be a nurse practitioner? 

Mentoring Circles/Cohorts 

Keep groups small and private, for example, 2 mentors and 5 mentees, to promote group mentoring. 

Tips for Group Engagement

Discussion Posts -  To encourage participation in Group discussions, it can help to have a mentor oversee the group discussion posts.

  • They can ask a question for everyone else in the group to answer.
  • They can answer any questions which others have posted.
  • They can comment on discussion posts and upvote (like) a post. 
  • They can assign lessons to their group members to review. 

Group Learnings: - Admins are able to create lessons visible only to specific groups. 

See the article: How to create a Lesson for a specific Group

Also, participants in the program can Assign Lessons to groups. 

Group Meetings: The group participants can schedule group meetings that invite everyone in the program to join.

See the article: How to Create a Meeting in a Group