What does the Qooper export mean?

Admins can export their participant's profile form data and platform activities.

To provide program admins a better understanding of their participants, their progress and their matches in Qooper, the export file that can be accessed under the Matching Tab.


The new format will have 3 tabs, focused on different areas:

1- Participant Activities & Preferences: This tab will contain overall match & progress information, feedback counts, and monthly meeting hours for all participants along with their preferences as connection limits.

2- Profile Detail: This tab will contain each user’s profile form information that includes the identifiers (email and userID if imported), roles, statuses, and profile form submissions, along with their registration and latest login dates.

3- Match Detail: This tab will contain each user’s match details. Each row will represent a match in Qooper (not a user), therefore a user that has more than 1 match can be displayed as a duplicate in different rows for different matches. Roles of the users in the match, the status of the match, match date and match expiration date will be displayed along with the activity counts in the match