Matching Weights

The matching weights indicate how important each criterion is in the matching algorithm. The higher the weight the more important this section is considered when the match is being calculated. 

Program admins can edit the Matching Weights under the Program Section in the Admin Dashboard.

To adjust the matching weights, admins can click on the pen icon and edit the values accordingly.

10/10 weight -Must have-  the section they must match on or they won't be considered a match
9/10 - very important - this section is very important for the match
1/10 - least important - this section is the least important. 
For example: When admins want to match people based on their location, location weights need to be the highest. Assigning the highest matching weight to the location ensures that the matching algorithm prioritizes matches based on proximity.
After setting the matching weights, program managers will use the "bulk suggest" function to get the best suggestions for 1:1 matching.