How to bulk suspend users?

It is possible for admins to bulk suspend users easily by using the import.

Step 1: Prepare the import spreadsheets (different for mentees and mentors).

Prepare a  spreadsheet with the participant's email addresses and the status column. Change their status to 'Suspended' instead of 'Active'. Make one spreadsheet for mentees and one for mentors.


Step 2: Accessing the Admin Dashboard

  1. Sign in to your Qooper admin dashboard by visiting
  2. Go to the 'Matching' section and find the 'Import' button.

  3. You will see a modal asking for the participants’ roles, click 'Next' after choosing.

  4. Upload your file and select your sheet
  5. Identify the header row in your file.

  6. Map the status and the emails on the next screen by clicking the small arrow on the right side of your header if needed.

  7. Click on 'Review' and if everything looks great, click on 'Submit'.

Congratulations! You successfully bulk-suspended the participants.